CEFPI and EPA/ IEQ are offering a FREE one day training seminar on Managing Indoor Environmental Quality, Lead to Green and Healthy Schools, May 12, 2011 in San Antonio Texas. For ...
#healthy #training #environmentalists #environment #bestpractices #facilities #Green #school #kids
Seattle Public Schools is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Martin as executive director, Facilities. Martin has served as acting executive director for Facilities since ...
New York, NY (January 18, 2011) The Executive Committee of top international design and architecture firm Perkins Eastman is pleased to announce that Fritz Morris AIA, CSI, LEED AP ...
The EPA is awarding 17 agreements to nonprofit organizations and a university totaling almost $2.4 million to improve indoor air quality across the nation. Statistically Americans ...
http://www.smilepolitely.com/opinion/champaign_school_sprawl/ Last week, the Champaign Unit 4 school board hosted a meeting to inform the public about the imminent process of relocating ...
LEARNING BY DESIGN has released its much-anticipated Fall 2010 edition, with a special focus on green design. This publication showcases the nation’s best education design and construction ...
New York, NY (November 2, 2010) Top international design and architecture firms Perkins Eastman and Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn Architects (EE&K) are pleased to announce that they have ...
CHARLES (CHUCK) NEWMAN HONORED AS CEFPI PLANNER OF THE YEAR WASHINGTON, DC (October 15, 2010) Charles R. (Chuck) Newman, AIA, REFP, NCARB, is the recipient of the 2010 Planner of ...